Brandon Daniell, president and co-founder of Dialog Health, explains why ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) should emulate the usage of text messaging by the financial industry to communicate with patients about their financial obligations in a new ASC Focus column.
As he writes, "Banks, credit card companies and other service providers need to communicate
regularly with their customers regarding their financial obligations. Like ASCs, these businesses have relied on phone calls, physical mail and email for this purpose. Unlike many ASCs, these businesses now embrace texting."
The column discusses why text messaging is an effective strategy for surgery centers to engage with patients about financial responsibility, shares different ways ASCs can use texting in a similar fashion as financial institutions, and lists several of the benefits of leveraging text messaging for communicating about money matters. Daniell concludes his column by explaining how ASCs can adopt texting and outlining other valuable uses for text messaging.
Download the column as a PDF here or view it below. ASC Focus is the official magazine of the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA).